California’s Great Beyond

Fall Colors

Visit one of America's Best Fall Foliage Forests!

Mono County and the surrounding Eastern Sierra provide the best show of glowing golden-orange-crimson fall colors in California and the western United States. Our natural landscape in the Eastern Sierra, where rugged granite canyons are carved by rushing streams and framed by an azure sky, offers a spellbinding contrast of colors during autumn. Starting in the higher elevations and working down, the colors glow starting mid-September through October all along US 395. Travel to Rock Creek, Mammoth Lakes, the June Lake Loop, Yosemite (Tioga Pass), Lundy Canyon, Bridgeport, Sonora Pass, Walker, Coleville and beyond to see fall colors at their finest.



We've got good news and interesting news this week!

Interesting news: The weather. It has been significantly colder than usual, with lows in the 30s and highs in the 40s and 50s. A small storm system brought snow - yes, snow - to upper elevations (like Rock Creek) and even a few lower spots like June Lake (crazy!). Another small storm is moving through Mono County tonight through Thursday, with cold temps, rain, and more snow. This is the earliest winter weather advisory for our area in more than twenty years (wild!). We hope it won't hurt the fall colors and instead will speed things up and we'll see some beautiful colors in the next week. 

Good news: One: After this storm passes, the forecast looks amazing - warming up to more normal fall temperatures (mid to high-60s, lows in the 40s... perfection). Two: You haven't missed a thing! The best is yet to come this fall color season.

We will post updates to Facebook and Instagram on Friday and this weekend. Sagehen Summit, Tioga Pass area, Virginia Lakes, and Rock Creek will likely be the first GO NOW spots... assuming the storm leaves them unharmed. Fingers crossed - stay tuned!

Don't forget to download our Fall Color Map to help navigate all the fall color hot spots in the Eastern Sierra (you can also request the map by mail, along with our Visitor Guide). Keep an eye on weather and road conditions, as things can certainly change quickly and unexpectedly. Finally, please check out our Fall Color Safety Tips just below the report and do your part to stay safe, keep others safe, protect wildlife, and take care of this incredible area. 

Bookmark this page as we will be doing updates every Wednesday by 5pm throughout the fall color season, which can last through October and even into early November. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates. 

0-10% Just Starting
10-50% Patchy
50-75% Near Peak (Go Now!)
75-100% Peaking (GO NOW!)
Past Peak (You Missed It)

WALKER / COLEVILLE / TOPAZ ***No data for this area due to the US 395 closure. We hope to update next week. 
Monitor Pass (8,314') 
West Walker River, Walker, Coleville & Topaz (5,200') 
Sonora Pass (9,623') 
Lobdell Lake Road (9,274') AWD or 4WD recommended

Twin Lakes (7,000') 0%
Virginia Lakes (9,819’) 10-50% - Patchy.  It's still mostly green on the road leading up to Virginia Lakes, but there a colorful patches around Virginia Lakes Resort, Trumbull Lake Campground, and Big and Little Virginia Lakes. Virginia Lakes Resort closes for the season on October 7th - enjoy breakfast or lunch there soon! 
Conway Summit (8,143) 0-10% - Just Starting. Just barely...
Summers Meadow (7,200') 0%-10% Just Starting. Just barely...AWD or 4WD recommended

***PLEASE NOTE: US 395 is closed between Bridgeport and Walker from 9/4 to 9/21 at 5:00pm for the installation of two wildlife crossings.
Most everything is open and accessible (towns, businesses, roads, trails, etc.), but travel between the two is not possible at this time. Little Walker Road is closed and the Burcham Flat Road at the junction with 395 is closed (open from Eastside Lane). There is a detour available.
Please see the Travel Alert page for more information. 

Tioga Pass (9,943') 50-75% - Near Peak (Go Now!) Fall colors within this area have excelled since last week. Above 9,000’ the aspens and bushes are near peak creating a stunning scene with the lakes within the area. That being said, Tioga Pass will be closed from noon on Wednesday, September 18th until this storm passes. Please check road conditions before driving up. Monitor (89) and Sonora (108) should be open.
Lee Vining Canyon (6,781') - 0%
Lundy Lake & Canyon (7,858') - 0-10% - Just Starting. There is minimal color change here, but the trees are starting to turn lime green, meaning we will see some color change here in the coming weeks. The dirt road to the trailhead is a rough one, with few areas rutted out from water (or with a bit of water on them - creek, puddle). There are two porta-potties at the trailhead and two near Lundy Lake Resort (LLR does not have public restrooms). There is no trash removal from this area - whatever you pack in must be packed out. Please plan accordingly. 

Sagehen Summit (8,139’) 50-75% - Near Peak (Go Now!) This another area that has seen significant color change since last weeks report. No restrooms or trash removal in this area - please plan accordingly. AWD or 4WD recommended.

June Lake Loop/Hwy 158 (7,654') 0-10% - Just Starting. There is no significant color change within this area, except for a few bushes starting to turn. The aspens are beginning to turn lime green, but still need extra time before any other colors appear.

MAMMOTH LAKES - Follow Mammoth Lakes Tourism (aka Visit Mammoth) for the most up-to-date information:
Mammoth Lakes Basin (8,996') 10-50% - Patchy. Colors within the Lakes Basin are moving right along, being closer to 50%. Aspens within the area have changed from mostly lime green to displaying patchy colors of yellow.

McGee Creek Canyon (8,600’) 10-50% - Patchy. Very green along the road and around the campground and pack station. Near the trailhead there are some colors starting to change, but if you keep going back in the canyon you will discover quite a bit more fall color. 
Crowley community (6,781')0%
Convict Lake (7850') 0-10% - Just Starting. Some select trees here are showing off fall color, but for the most part, this area needs more time for the aspens to make their colorful transition.

Rock Creek Road (9,600’) 10-50% Patchy. Around Rock Creek Lake, pops of yellows are spreading across the landscape. Continuing up towards Mosquito Flat, there are patches of aspens that are nearly peaking along the creek. Check out this location if you want to experience early-season colors. 

BISHOP & INYO COUNTY - Follow Bishop Chamber of Commerce (aka Visit Bishop) for the most up-to-date information:

Fall Color Safety Tips:

  • Be aware of wildlife: tis' the season! Animals (like black bears) are preparing for winter and others (like mule deer) are migrating. Slow down and be cautious when driving, especially early in the morning or late in the evening. 
  • Park safely: Use designated parking areas and avoid parking in the middle of the road or on vegetation. Some roads are narrow and parking is very limited.  
  • Road safety: our roads can be narrow, winding, and have several blind spots. With so many out walking, taking photos, biking, and driving (+ wildlife!), please be especially alert on the roads. 
  • Be aware of changing weather. Weather can change quickly in the mountains; always check weather and road conditions before and during your visit. 
  • Please remember to Leave No Trace and always mind your Mountain Manners
  • Communicate with others: many areas of Mono County have no or very little cell service. Whether you're driving, hiking, or any other activity, please let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back. 
  • Stay on trails: if you're hiking this fall, please know that staying on designated trails ensures safety, protects plants and animals, minimizes environmental impact, and prevents erosion... to name just a few reasons. 
  • Camp Like a Pro and check for any alerts, notices, and fire restrictions. 


Eastern Sierra Fall Color Map and Guide: click to view, download, or request by mail:   fall color map cover