
Yosemite Half Dome

Important Info for 2024

Important information for anyone planning to visit Yosemite National Park, Reds Meadow and Devils Postpile, and/or June Lake beach this year.

California’s Great Beyond


It's all about the drive in Mono County.  U.S. 395 is one of America's most beautiful roads.  Many, many roads criss-cross Mono County taking motorists to fascinating or breathtaking places.

Scenic Backroad Tours Guide

Highway 395

No matter how many times you drive Highway 395 through Mono County, California, the scenery inspires awe. But have you ever wondered what lies beyond the highway?

Little traveled roads that bring you deep into the county's natural wonders and colorful history.Motor Touring in the Eastern Sierra, Scenic Backroad Tours is your guide to these seldom seen routes.

To request a FREE copy of Motor Touring in the Eastern Sierra, Scenic Backroad Tours, click here.

Eastern Sierra Scenic By-Way

While traveling along Highway 395 in Mono County, look for the Eastern Sierra Scenic Byway symbols, which identify scenic turnouts and interpretive displays.  

Essential Mono County